How Long Does Coffee Last?

So, just how long does brewed coffee last? We've all been there: Wondering if it's safe to drink the coffee you made in the morning. You only want one cup of coffee, so what's the harm in microwaving it, right? Well, brewed coffee will technically last up to eight hours on the counter. But that doesn't mean it's going to taste good. From how long it lasts on the counter to whether it is still safe to drink, let's take a look at just how long coffee lasts after brewing.

How Long Is Brewed Coffee Good For?

How long coffee lasts after brewing is a simple question, but it can have two completely different answers. Are you asking how long the coffee you made will taste good or how long is it safe to drink?

From a flavor standpoint, coffee is best for one to two hours after brewing as long as it stays in the coffee pot. There are many factors to consider, but it will start losing its flavor after 90 minutes. After three to four hours, you have completely stale coffee. 

The coffee will also start to burn in the pot over time. How quickly it burns depends on the amount of coffee left and the temperature of the burner. It usually burns faster in commercial units than in home coffee makers.

In terms of safety, coffee is generally safe to drink for up to eight hours at room temperature. Leftover coffee will last two to three days in the fridge as long as it's in an airtight container. However, several factors impact the overall lifespan of brewed coffee.

But a mug of coffee does not last as long as a pot does. In your mug, black coffee will go stale in forty-five minutes to an hour. It probably won't taste the best, but it will stay safe to drink for six to eight hours. 

Adding cream or sugar doesn't impact how long your coffee will taste good, but it does increase the risk of bacterial growth. Coffee, especially fresh coffee, isn't very attractive to bacteria. But cream and sugar are. Plus, dairy-based creams will spoil at room temperature.

Personally, I don’t trust coffee with cream or sugar after an hour. Spoiled milk isn’t going to kill, but it’s much easier and safer just to pour it out.

Factors That Determine How Long Brewed Coffee Lasts

Many different factors affect how long the flavor of coffee lasts, but the big two involve the coffee itself. The fresher the coffee, the longer it will keep its flavor. Coffee flavors slowly degrade over time.

Brewing with old beans means a less flavorful coffee. As a result, it'll go stale faster than coffee brewed from freshly roasted beans. The secret to keeping your coffee fresh longer, if you can call it that, is to buy direct from the roaster. Also, you can keep coffee beans fresh longer by [storing coffee beans](link to the article about how to store beans) properly.

Secondly, pre-ground coffee ages significantly faster than whole beans. This means the coffee you make will be less flavorful from the start and will go stale faster. On average, pre-ground coffee will go stale at least twice as fast after brewing.

How Long Does Coffee Last In The Refrigerator?

I don't recommend it, but brewed coffee will last one to two days in the fridge. Refrigerating coffee will keep it safe to drink, but it won't keep the flavor fresh. It will still go stale in the fridge, just slightly slower. But if you really want to keep your coffee, you need to treat it right.

You can't expect your coffee to last if you leave it out for hours and then put it in the fridge for a day or two. And don't even think about putting a half-empty coffee pot in the refrigerator. There is so much air in the pot that it will go stale before you can drink it.

Again, I not a big fan of refrigerating coffee, but here are three tips for making your coffee last in the fridge:

  • While the coffee is still hot, pour it into a double-walled stainless steel water bottle. The bottle will help the coffee cool without heating all the food in your fridge.
  • The bottle also limits exposure to air, which minimizes oxidation. Your coffee will still go stale, but it'll give you the best chance at keeping it fresh and tasty.
  • Drink the coffee later that day or first thing tomorrow. Never microwave old coffee; it will taste even more stale. Either drink it cold or add it to a fresh pot of coffee.

Unless you really like the taste of bad coffee, throw it out after twelve hours in the fridge. Sure, it will technically last longer. But coffee is meant to be savored and enjoyed. And you can't enjoy it if it is stale. At least I can't, anyway.

But remember, this is for hot coffee that you put in the fridge. Cold-brewed coffee is meant to stay in the fridge and has a much longer shelf life.

Alternatives To Pouring Coffee Down The Drain

There are a few ways to use old coffee, even if you don't plan to drink it.

You can make coffee ice cubes that are great for coffee-infused cocktails or for making iced coffee that isn't overly diluted.

Pour the hot coffee into a double-walled stainless steel bottle and let it cool completely in the fridge. Then pour it into ice cube trays and you have frozen coffee in less than a day.

Alternatively, you can make a sweet coffee granita that is great on its own or on top of vanilla ice cream, pudding, or chocolate cupcakes. 

While it is still hot, mix in a quarter cup of sugar for each cup of coffee. Then, pour it into a stainless bottle and put it in the fridge to cool. If you want, you can also add a splash of cream or coffee liqueur. 

Once it's completely cool, pour it into a glass baking dish and put it in the freezer. After a few hours, scrape it with a fork to make ice shavings. Put it in a bowl or glass and top with some whipped cream and citrus zest. Or put it on top of any of your favorite desserts.

Lastly, you can use room-temperature coffee to water plants. While this doesn't technically make it last, at least you aren't pouring it down the drain.

But this doesn't mean you can leave a mostly empty coffee pot on the counter for days and then pour it on your flowers. If you want to water your plants with coffee, let it come to room temperature, then use it right away. 

Is Old Coffee Safe To Drink?

It won't taste the best, but old coffee is generally safe to drink if it's left out on the counter for an hour or two. However, it's best to pour it out if it's been sitting out for any longer. Although it's a small risk, bacteria or mold will eventually grow in old coffee.

While they usually take a few days to develop, it really depends on how you care for your equipment. The risk goes up if you don't [clean your coffee maker](link to how to clean a coffee maker article) regularly or if you leave the filter and grounds in the hopper for a long time. 

A dirty coffee maker means dirty coffee. And as the coffee cools down, bacteria or mold can grow. And no one wants to spend the afternoon in the bathroom because of a cup of bad coffee.

In the end, it's just safer to dump old coffee, clean the coffee maker, and brew a fresh pot. If you are worried about wasting it, you can always make a half or even a quarter pot of fresh coffee.

How Long Does It Take For Brewed Coffee To Go Stale?

Coffee starts going stale as soon as you brew it. But it usually takes an hour or two to notice the drop in quality. Stale flavors become more noticeable as the coffee cools.

In my opinion, hot coffee is completely stale three hours after brewing. While you can still drink it, most of the flavors have faded. The enjoyable flavors, anyway. 

Microwaving old coffee speeds up the oxidation process. So if the coffee is already cold and stale, microwaving it will actually make it taste worse.

Again, we are talking about hot-brewed coffee here. Cold brew coffee lasts longer than a pot of auto-drip coffee. 

What Happens When Coffee Goes Stale?

As coffee goes stale, oxygen breaks down the natural flavor of the bean, leaving it flat and lifeless. Old and oxidized coffee usually has a slightly papery aroma and taste. Stale coffee also tastes more bitter, because the other flavor compounds have faded. 

Most of the flavors will fade in three to four hours, and it’s usually unpleasant to drink after six to eight hours. Depending on the coffee you use, it can taste earthy, like soil, hay, leather, or tobacco.

In twelve to twenty-four hours, it will develop sour or musty flavors and aromas. If you leave the coffee out for two to three days, you'll start to see mold or other bacteria growing on the surface.

But we are talking about black coffee there. Adding any type of cream or sweetener will impact how fast it goes stale. To some extent, they can mask stale flavors for thirty minutes or so.

However, they increase the chances of mold and bacterial issues. Your coffee might start turning green in as little a day or two. And you definitely do not want to drink that.

Frequently Asked Questions About How Long Coffee Lasts After Brewing

Does Stale Coffee Still Have Caffeine?

While stale coffee loses its flavor, the caffeine level will not go down. In fact, it actually goes up slightly. The water in the coffee will slowly evaporate, making it more concentrated. The result is more caffeine. But drinking stale coffee is probably not the best way to feed your caffeine addiction. At least not if you actually enjoy the flavor of coffee.

Can You Microwave Old Coffee?

Sure, you can do it, but I never recommend microwaving coffee. While it warms the coffee, it does not improve the flavor. In fact, microwaving coffee makes it taste more stale. The reheating process oxidizes the coffee, making it taste flat and lifeless. It is also cooking the coffee, which can give it a burnt taste. It's better to make a fresh pot, have a pour-over, or grab some cold brew from the fridge.

Is It Safe To Drink Unrefrigerated Coffee?

You can safely drink unrefrigerated coffee for three to four hours. But I don't recommend waiting much longer than that. Even if it is still technically safe to drink, it won't taste very good. You should never drink unrefrigerated coffee after eight hours. Although low, there is a risk of bacterial or mold growth.

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